Friday, April 9, 2010

Group Activisim Blog: Week 8

Madison Zierk
Jeannina Perez
WST 3015 Sec. 0002

Group Activisim Blog: Week 8
After the not-so-successful day at Tallahassee a couple of weeks ago I decided to look into other projects that our group could do to strengthen our activism. Gryphyn still plans to work on getting her aritcle published in one of the markets that Ryan researched for her once she hears back from Senator Deutch. She's waiting to hear if she can possibly do a phone or e-mail interview with the Senator and ask him questions pertaining to the Healthy Teens Act. I, on the other hand, came across a great idea when Dominique promoted her own community activism project to the class earlier this week. I have decided to submit an article of my own about the horrors of abstinence-only sex education and The Healthy Teens Act to her project. By submitting this writing I will hopefully capture an audience of readers that will know of our cause and why it is so important. I'm also planning to add information in the article that will allow the readers to contact those who support the need for comprehensive sex education.
I know that this article that I'll write for Dominique's project won't reach a widespread audience, but if only a handful of people read my article I will have informed that handful of people of the message that our group is trying to spread and what needs to be done to right this wrong in our education system. Environmental justice, which states that all citizens have a right to healthy living and working conditions (Kirk and Okazawa-Rey 541), can be also used to convey the right to comprehensive sex education. Every child has a right to know how their bodies work and how to protect their bodies from unwanted pregnancy and STIs if they choose to have sex.
I can't be more excited to write my article for Dominique's compilation. I've been wanting to see change made to the Florida sex education system for some time now. This project has only strengthened that desire. Our group's contribution to this change may only count to as one drop of water in the bucket. I will be happy to know that this change was made with my help. I've learned from this project that even the smallest bits of activism can help bring change.
Work Cited
"Women and the Environment." Women's Lives: Multicultural Perspectives. Ed. Gwyn Kirk and Margo Okazawa-Rey. 5th ed. Boston: McGraw Hill, 2009. 535-49. Print.

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