Jeannina Perez
WST 3015 Sec. 0002
Group Activism Blog: Week 4
This week our group was still caught in a slump with finding out where to go with our project. After class on Monday Gryphyn and I discussed possible ways to convince parents why their children need comprehensive sex education. We came up with possibly creating a mock comprehensive sex education class for parents to attend so they could see what their children were going to be taught if The Healthy Teens Act is ever brought back into session again and was passed. That way the parents who attended would be involved in their childrens' possible education and be allowed to ask questions. In order to do such a task though I would want to find a professional sex education teacher and a proper venue to hold this event in. The idea never progressed into anything more because I think we realized how hard it would be to take on such a task without an organization to back us up and the fact that we are now short a member of our group.
This idea would have been fantastic if we had the needed support to carry out the plan. It would have also been a learning experience for us. I think it would have been great to see how a proper comprehensive sex education class will be taught if The Healthy Teens Act is ever passed. Maybe the three of us would have been able to pull off this event on our own if we didn't have other responsibilities taking up our schedules. While I was reading Seely's chapter "Fighting Back" I was reading the short list of rape myths she listed. Three of them really caught my attention. These three are "Rape is a part of men's biological nature"; "Men cannot control their sexual desires/arousal"; and "Women provoke rape by the clothes they wear, their make-up, the way they act." (Seely 192) These same myths are often carried over into abstinence-only sex education courses except of these myths pertaining to rape they pertain to sex in general.
This project and the class in general strengthens my desire to become a sex educator. Hopefully my dream will someday be realized.
Work Cited
Seely, Megan. "Fighting Back." Fight Like a Girl: How to Be a Fearless Feminist. New York: New York UP, 2007. 185-217. Print.
Work Cited
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