Friday, April 23, 2010

Group Activism Blog: Week 10

Madison Zierk
Jeannina Perez
WST 3015 Sec. 0002

Group Activism Blog: Week 10

In our final week of our project we still haven't heard from Senator Aronberg or Representative Fitzgerald with regards to our interview questions pertaining to the Healthy Teens Act and HB 169. I'm beginning to think that we will never hear from them or that it will be too late to apply their answers to Heidi's article she has written with the hopes of getting it published. Because we are lacking this information we can't even send her paper to any magazines with the hopes of it being published. On the bright side though Dominique loved the piece that I sent to her for her service learning project that she has for one of her other classes. The collection of essays that she has gathered will be printed and distributed among those who contributed, and I'm hoping a select other people. Although this article won't be largly distributed due to a lack of funds I'm hoping that enough people will read this article and want to help make a change to the sex education system that Florida currently holds. Hopefully these new supporters will also e-mail and call Aronberg, Deutch, and Fitzgerald and stress the importance of this bill. If the supporters of this bill express their interest in the passing of the Healthy Teens Act these senators and representatives sponsoring this bill will have more of a drive to see that this act moves forward.

All in all I wish I had seen this project go in a different direction than it did. I knew that when I signed up for this project that it wasn't going to be easy. I almost switched to the GLBSU group the day we were signing up for our groups but something called me to this particular project. I'm sure more would have been accomplished if we didn't lose one of our members after we wrote our proposal and had a game plan set. I'm happy with the article I wrote. I hope it will make a difference (if only the smallest bit) in seeing change to the state of our sex education programs in Florida


This project has really reinforced my desire to become a sex educator. If I want to ever be a sex educator in this state though change must be made. While there are some counties in Florida that have decided to teach comprehensive sex education most of the counties don't. One of these counties is the county that I grew up in. I don't want to see any more teenagers and young adults suffer because they weren't given the proper education they needed.

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