Jeannina Perez
WST 3015 Sec. 0002
Group Activism Blog: Week 7
This week our group reflected on the experience in Tallahassee and how we could make up for the information we failed to find out that day. Without a proper interview from Senator Deutch or Senator Aronberg we don't see Gryphyn's article seeing a magazine publisher. Since Gryphyn's piece is a news piece about the progress of The Healthy Teens Act we can't get the article published without the proper news information. Because we need this information we decided to e-mail Senator Deutch since he is the main sponsor of this proposed Bill. The e-mail sent to him requested a phone or e-mail interview with the Senator with questions regarding The Healthy Teens Act and where it stands in activity now. Hopefully the Senator will agree to our inquiry of questioning him so that we can complete Gryphyn's article in time to get it published before the end of this semester.
The movement of bringing comprehensive sex education to school systems is very much like the global women's movement. This movement that our group has taken a part of is moving in a spiral fashion. According to the article "The Global Women's Movement", "a spiral is open-ended, continuous, ever enlarging our understanding of events, our perspectives." (Kirk and Okazawa-Rey 634) The movement of bringing comprehensive sex education is a global effort with many countries already teaching comprehensive sex education. With these countries adopting these teachings it has spiraled out to other countries. Here in the United States many states and counties within the states make it mandatory to teach medically-accurate comprehensive sex education to children. Our group has focused on one of the many tips of the larger spiral. It will be a large step if we see something change with the state of our sex education programs in Florida's schools.
Despite the difficulty in getting things accomplished within this group, this experience has been an eye-opener and a learning experience. This group activism project has taught me just how hard it is to get a grassroots movement going. Hopefully when I enter the world of sex education I don't have to deal with the struggles of wanting to teach in a state that wishes to not have me.
Work Cited
Antrobus, Peggy. "The Global Women's Movement." Women's Lives: Multicultural Perspectives. Ed. Gwyn Kirk and Margo Okazawa-Rey. 5th ed. Boston: McGraw Hill, 2009. 629-36. Print.
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