Sunday, April 18, 2010

Group Service Learning Blog: Week 9

Madison Zierk
Jeannina Perez
WST 3015 Sec. 0002
Group Service Learning Blog: Week 9

This week I sent Dominique the piece I wrote about sex education and the Healthy Teens Act for her service learning project. Going into writing this piece I wasn't sure how to write it informatively while being interesting at the same time. I considered entering a personal story but decided against it because I didn't want to make the piece too long. When I sent the piece though I asked Dominique for any feedback and asked if I should add my own personal story with how I was taught sex education as a teen. Dominique loved the idea so I went back and added my personal story in the piece. Our other article that Heidi has written though still seems to have no progress made yet because we still have yet to hear back from Senator Aronberg or Representative Fitzgerald. Without these interviews we can't get her article published.
This project has proven to be a lot harder than any of us ever anticipated. Since we couldn't get in contact with any of the supporters of the bill while in Tallahassee we had to e-mail them. While e-mail isn't the greatest form of getting in contact with someone for an interview it's sometimes the only form that you can do when trying to contact busy government officials such Dave Aronberg and Kieth Fitzgerald. It would also have helped our cause if we were affiliated with a larger community or school group. Since there were only three of us our voice was most likely not remembered. While we only got a little progress done with the piece I wrote for Dominique's collection of writings that little progress is better than no progress at all.
I had such a great feeling after writing my piece for Dominique's collection of writings. All I could think of was who was going to possibly be reading my article and want to help change the current situation of our sex education programs or even share what they learned in my article with their friends and family. Hearing Dominique's positive feedback convinced me that my article is great and educational. I really hope that I will enlighten at least one reader.

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